Appointments with other professional services

Other medical services that we can signpost you to are shown here, but you may self-refer for help and guidance without contacting SAMC if you wish. 



Social Prescribing Service

A member of the SAMC team is dedicated to supporting isolated, lonely patients, to improve health and wellbeing, by bringing people together to help and support each other. 


3 core areas: 

  • Supporting carers in their caring role; enabling people to provide unpaid support to a family member or friend who could not manage without help
  • Supporting older people, by bringing people together and facilitating and developing volunteering to provide practical support, information and advice, leisure, learning, health, wellbeing and social activities
  • Supporting disadvantaged, marginalised or vulnerable people to improve their health and wellbeing by unleashing their potential to contribute to society and give to others.

Pharmacist support

If you’re suffering from one of the common minor ailments, we can signpost you to a pharmacy for an NHS consultation and treatment, without the need for an appointment.

Pharmacy First


Older People support

If you are aged 50 years and over and living in the West Kent Area, we can signpost you to Age Well who work with a variety of community organisations to ensure you receive the appropriate support depending on your personal circumstances. 



Carer Support 

if you provide unpaid support to a family member or friend whatever age you are, and you need help or advice, we can signpost you to Carers First who can offer you support.



Mental health support (Live Well Kent) 

If you need access to talking therapy services, we can signpost you to a service provided by We Are With You in Kent, the lead provider in West Kent. They offer a variety of individual treatment services including, face-to-face, telephone and online, as well as groups and workshops.



Healthier and more active support

If you want to improve your health and wellbeing, we can signpost you to One You Kent which runs a number of programmes: smoke free / weight loss / health checks / 1-1 lifestyle support / walking and exercise.



Domestic abuse support

If you are experiencing domestic abuse we can signpost you to DAVSS, a West Kent charity supporting anyone who needs help regardless of age, gender, race, religion, culture, sexuality, social status or geographical location.



Citizens advice support

If you need some help and advice we can signpost you to the weekly Citizens Advice Bureau clinics here at SAMC on Thursdays, from 2 to 5 pm. Or to to arrange an appointment at other times, phone 03448 487978 or email